
One of our all-time favorite recipes, I am making it tonight!


3 cups loosely packed basil

1/3 cup olive oil

1/4-1/2 cup chicken or vegetable stock (to lighten it a bit and get the consistency you want)

1/4 cup pine nuts, toasted (I spray a pan and just lightly brown them)

3 garlic cloves

1 teaspoon salt

1/2-3/4 cup parmesan cheese

Blend in food processor until smooth; add more stock if you want the pesto thinner. (I usually double this recipe and use more garlic.  You should adjust to your taste). Freeze leftovers for your next dinner.

Tomatoes Marinated in Olive oil, Garlic and Red Wine Vinegar

Pint of cherry tomatoes

Two tablespoons of olive oil

1-1/2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar

One clove garlic, minced


Fresh-ground pepper

Shredded basil for garnish

Slice tomatoes in half and put in deep bowl.  Add oil, vinegar and garlic.  (If you need to add more oil and vinegar, do it.  I always adjust the amount based on the volume of tomatoes I have on hand.)  Give it a really good stir. Salt and pepper, liberally.  Leave on counter to marinate 1-2 hours, stirring a couple of times.  I usually heat them slightly before serving, but don’t boil.  Use a slotted spoon to place on top of pesto when you are serving, so you leave the juices in the bowl.  Top with shredded basil. (This can also be used as a “no cook” tomato sauce, tossed with pasta, but I usually pair it with the pesto).

It’s great served with a parmesan crisp, recipe on my blog.